Dellusion Music

Dragunov – Techno Heartbeat

 0,49 0,99

Get the official release of Dragunov’s track “Techno Heartbeat” here on Dellusion Music.

Did you know that buying from us directly, you will support the artist with your support? This means that buying from Dellusion Music is the best and fastest way to support your favourite artist!


<strong>Get the official release of Dragunov’s track “Techno Heartbeat” here on Dellusion Music. Did you know that buying from us directly, you will support the artist with your support? This means that buying from Dellusion Music is the best and fastest way to support your favourite artist!</strong>

Listen to Techno Heartbeat on Apple Music

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You also might be interested to know that DragunoV makes some other music as well. <a title=”Dragunov – Call U” href=”” rel=”sponsored “>Call U</a> for example.

Did you know that if you buy from Dellusion Music you will give the artist 100% of their revenue? Sounds hard to believe, but it is true. Dellusion Music supports indie artists by giving them 100%. That’s right, Dellusion Music does not get a cut of the profits made from our releases at all. Support your favourite artist today by buying directly from Dellusion Music

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